Why is my hair falling out?

There is a lot of talk about hair loss at the moment, and it is certainly something we have been talking to clients in the salon about, more than normal, during this last year.

Hairdressers, in general, have quite limited knowledge on this subject as its usually a specialist area.

We do understand the basic principles of the hair growth cycle but our main job is to improve the appearance of a clients hair, for example,

✔️A haircut to add weight to fine hair,

✔️Colour to give the hair more texture,

✔️Discreet hair extensions to add volume to fine hair. 

That being said, HEIR Salon owner Natalie, has been doing her own research on this subject and has some interesting facts for you!

How much hair is normal to lose?

Typically, for healthy hair growth, we should lose 80-100 hairs a day.

Obviously we don't expect you to count them but we do want clients to be mindful of this amount.

If you suddenly alter your routine, e.g. stop washing your hair every other day and change to twice a week you may notice ‘more’ hair shedding than normal.

It's not likely to be shedding more but rather the hair that has shedding is ‘releasing’ away from the scalp less frequently so you notice it more when you do your hair.

‘My Hair does not grow’

This is a very common statement that we hear from clients and perhaps you resonate with this too?

If your hair never appears to grow then there could be a couple of reasons for it. 

❓Are you doing too much to it?

 Do you regularly colour your hair,

regularly wash and style your hair with heat

BUT hardly ever have a haircut?

As much as you probably don't want to hear this - a good starting point would be to have some small and frequent trims.

When the hair is damaged, although it does actually grow, the split or brittle ends break off causing you to feel as though your hair never grows and its growing at the roots but breaking on the ends.

If you deal with the brittle ends, your hair WILL grow longer and healthier. 💯

This is where a hairdresser CAN help, you see, using the correct aftercare, having a professional hair colour and regular haircuts can be the perfect answer to a healthy hair and scalp.

If you do follow all of the above but are still stumped as to why your hair is not growing or perhaps you feel as though it is shedding then a higher level of help may be needed.


A trichologist is a specialist who focuses on the study of diseases or problems related to the hair and scalp, as well as recommending treatments. 

Though trichologists are not doctors, they can advise people who are having hair-related problems, such as hair loss or scalp conditions. 

What Does a Trichologist Do?

Specialists working in this field help people with issues such as hair loss, hair breakage, oily scalp, and scalp psoriasis.

Some trichologists can also treat problems related to conditions like alopecia and trichotillomania (hair-pulling disorder) 

Trichologists examine the hair and scalp to diagnose and recommend treatments for the condition and its severity. 

Ferritin Levels

Ferritin is a blood protein that contains iron.

A ferritin test helps your doctor understand how much iron your body stores.

If a ferritin test reveals that your blood ferritin level is lower than normal, it indicates your body's iron stores are low and you have iron deficiency.

Doctors order a ferritin test if other blood tests point to possible anemia, which can lead to a lack of oxygen in your blood. It can show if there is too much or too little iron in your body. 

‘Normal’ Ferritin levels range between 10-60, however during our research we have discovered that ferritin levels at the lower end of this range can have a massive effect on the hair.

We have three real life case studies whose ferritin levels were in the region of 11-27 and all three clients reported hair loss, and/or hair not growing. Another side effect is feeling tired. 

HEIR artist and co-founder Natalie, believes this is a very common problem for women that often goes undiagnosed.

A simple blood test can detect your ferritin levels and if they are on the lower end of the scale then ensure you take the correct advice from your doctor to help to bring them up.

Be warned though, it can take months to increase your ferritin levels so don't give up! 

Don't get sucked in to ‘gimmicks’ 

If your ferritin levels are low, then there isn't a shampoo/conditioner/styling product on the market that will help you with this problem.

The problem is not being caused by an external factor, the problem is something internally that a trichologist or doctor can help with.

Remember, products help with the appearance of your hair only, so whilst they can help make the appearance of your hair better, they can never improve internal problems causing your hair to shed. 

One thing that could help anyone who has suffered any form of hair loss is taking hair supplements. Read our blog on which we recommend and why we recommend them here

Telogen Effluvium

Telogen effluvium is the name for a common cause of temporary hair loss due to the excessive shedding of resting (or telogen) hair after some shock to the system.

New hair continues to grow but it basically sheds too soon.

✔️Telogen Effluvium can be diagnosed by a trichologist.

A client will notice lots of hair shedding but also lots of new hair growing.

It will appear as though there are short hairs over the entire head and can commonly be thought to be hair breakage. 

Lots of things can cause Telogen Effluvium but here are some examples:

  • Childbirth: postpartum hair loss. 

  • Acute or chronic illness, especially if there is fever

  • A surgical operation

  • An accident

  • Weight loss, unusual diet, or nutritional deficiency like iron

  • Some medication

  • Discontinuing the contraceptive pill

  • Skin disease affecting the scalp 

Again, as you can see from the list, there are lots of reasons WHY your hair could suddenly start shedding and none of them are related to shampoo’s or products. 

Postpartum Hair Loss

During pregnancy the body surges with hormones which actually keeps hair in a remaining stage of growth for longer. Pregnant clients often report thicker hair that grows quicker during these months.

After the birth, the hair then goes into a resting phase for around three months and then sheds.

Remember we said that normal hair sheds at 80-100 strands per day? Well during this postpartum hair loss phase, around 400 hairs a day can shed.

This is totally normal and can last a couple of months, leaving lots of new hair growth behind. If this shedding continues to be excessive then it would be a good idea to check your ferritin levels, thyroid, blood sugar, zinc and vitamin D. Having any of these out of balance will dramatically make the hair loss worse! 

Don't be afraid to wash or style your hair.

The hair is shedding whether you wash it or not so please dont believe that products, hair brushing or washing is making this worse. If anything stimulating the scalp with head massages and brushing can help the new hair to grow.

Post Covid-19 Hair Loss

Whilst there is no evidence at present to suggest that covid-19 causes hair loss, a lot of people who have contracted Covid-19 report hair loss or hair shedding.

It is very likely to be associated with the symptoms your body experienced such as fever which can then lead to telogen effluvium.

It is also believed that high emotional stress levels can cause stress induced Telogen Effluvium.

If you believe you are suffering hair loss or excessive shedding then we highly recommend that you seek medical advice from your doctor or a trichologist.

As hairdressers we can help the appearance of your hair in lots of ways:

  • Discreet hair extensions to thicken your hair and/or add length.

    Our client Jackie has been coming to the salon since 2020. Prior to this she travelled to London every 3 months to have her hair extensions fitted. She discovered HEIR salon’s discreet hair extensions and the great is history. Jackie says: ‘Kim is absolutely brilliant. I have extensions for my alopecia but she always makes me feel relaxed about it when I am there as we have a good chat and laugh.’

  • Product recommendations to help your hair appear thicker or even help to improve the condition of your hair

  • Clever cutting to create weight and volume

  • Clever Colouring techniques to give the hair more texture

  • Styling tools and techniques to improve the appearance of fine hair.

However, we cannot diagnose or treat any of the above conditions. 

If you would like any help or advise then please feel free to book a no obligation free consultation with our team at HEIR, You can even do an online consultation for a more discreet service, Click Here for an online consultation.

If you would like to book a Free in salon consultation you can book here

**All research and studies carried out by HEIR Salon and discussed with clients who we have chosen not to name

**We are not medical professionals and if you believe any of the above applies to you we urge you to seek medical help and not to self diagnose or self prescribe