Adding thickness to fine hair. Your questions answered.

Hair extensions very often have a bad reputation.

This is mainly due to the fact that you can spot a bad set of hair extensions a mile off!

Plus, there are often ‘unqualified technicians’ applying them.

Hairdressing is an unregulated industry, which means, pretty much anyone can learn to apply hair extensions,

Good for some people? not for the many! 

At HEIR salon we only use suppliers who have asked us for proof of qualifications and proof of public liability insurance as well as providing us with ethically sourced hair,

this means, our suppliers don’t supply to just anyone.

These are premium suppliers! These are the sort of companies we like to do business with. 

You see, there is so much more to hair extensions than just being certified to apply them.

Qualified and experienced hairdressers will fit hair extensions that are perfectly colour matched, blended, applied according to your unique hair growth patterns and cut and styled to suit you.

With lots of talk of hair loss (particularly this year), we have had more enquiries for hair extensions than ever before.

At HEIR we specialise in discreet hair extensions that quite simply look like your own hair.

For example, enhancing your beautiful bob to make the line of the haircut strong and blunt, filling in the sides where some people’s hair can be finer, adding weight and volume to fine hair. 

Hair extensions can be a huge confidence boost to anyone who has fine hair. 

But aren’t hair extensions really expensive?

Whilst there is no ‘one price fits all’ with hair extensions,

We can confidently say they probably aren’t as expensive as you think,

especially if you are simply looking to add thickness to your natural hair!

The first outlay is the hair itself, which, if cared for properly can last between 6-12 months.

The hair can vary in price due to colour, length required and amount ordered.

Therefore we would have to have a thorough consultation with you to price this correctly.

Fitting and maintenance is the next cost, which can vary from person to person but prices start from just £30 and typically maintenance can be anything between 6-12 weeks apart.

But will I be in the salon all day?

Not necessarily, one pack of hair extensions to add thickness can be fitted as quickly as 30 mins, so this can be built in to your usual colour/cut appointments.

The more hair you have applied, the longer it takes up to 3 hours for fitting. 

Will people know I have extensions in?

Not if you don’t want them to!

We source hair extensions that are discreet and comfortable to wear!

The bonds/beads can be as tiny as a grain of rice, and perfectly colour matched to your hair so almost invisible! 

So if you just want to add some thickness to your hair, this can be done discreetly and with little time spent in the salon, however if you want long glam locks adding to your usual fine hair, then yes, people may notice that you are wearing extensions! 

My hair is fine, will extensions damage them?

Absolutely not **as long as they are maintained correctly** they will not damage your natural hair!

Can I colour my hair with extensions in?

Yes, however we do recommend that a professional colours your hair with extensions in!

Why should I choose HEIR for my hair extensions?

We specialise in dealing with clients who have fine hair and want a confidence boost!

Our existing extensions clients love the discreet methods we apply, our colour matching skills and our ability to provide you with an all round service, including maintaining your hair colour, style and blow drying appointments if you require.

We deal with our clients on an individual basis and apply the method and amount of hair that would suit you and your lifestyle  the most. 

How can I find out more about hair extensions at HEIR? 

Click Here for a 2 step process to a discreet online Extensions consultation or you can contact us directly

Feel free to add any questions in the comments box below x x