Supporting Small Businesses: Me And The Bea

At HEIR, our community is at the heart of our salon.

From donating our hair waste to local farms and allotments,

to collaborating with local artists and giving them wall space in the salon to display work.

We always strive to support our community and other local small businesses.

When Me And The Bea approached us about displaying and selling some of her handmade headbands in the salon, we couldn’t say no!

Charlotte from Me And The Bea handmakes beautiful and unique items including children’s clothing, head bands and reusable make up pads.

Charlotte says “Me And The Bea started in my lounge, whilst wearing my dressing gown when I decided I did not want to tidy up or hoover that night when The Bea was in bed!!

I was bought a sewing machine in 2012, I did the odd bit here and there and it was simply stored away as life took over.

I have always loved clothes, loved textiles, handmade items, designing and creating. Anything hands on, I am there!!

I made my first little pinafore dress in May 2019, and I was hooked!!

I love choosing fabric patterns, I buy WAY more than I should, I feel I collect beautiful fabric like a hoarder and the way I just zone out of real life when the machine is on is EPIC!!

The Bea. What a dream she is. She is my inspiration for this little business.

It’s a cliché, but that little face makes me smile every day. She’s witty, she’s cheeky, her facial expressions tell you exactly what she’s thinking, she’s kind and she even shared her chocolate with me! She loves to be involved, I hear her speak to her friends about ‘Me And The Bea’, she requests little outfits herself and she loves it when I get an order so I can buy her toys apparently (her words right now with a cheeky laugh!!).

Despite loving every single second of making a dress, a romper, a pencil case or a book pillow, I love that I am showing The Bea to always believe in yourself. Never in a million years did I believe people would buy things that I have made, but you have, and you do. I want her to know she can achieve
anything she wants when she tries and believes in her own beautiful self. Literally!”

In salon there are selection of Me And The Bea headbands available to purchase for £5 each.

Why not check them out next time you are in for an appointment?

We think they are the perfect finish to your beautiful hair!

Find her on instagram at @me.and.the.bea