Starting 2022 with multiple proud moments!

At HEIR the very essence of our company, is our valued employees.

We are blessed with a wonderful team of industry professionals and apprentices, who are all striving to achieve in their own way, as well as deliver exceptional customer service and hair services to our incredible customers.

I suppose this is a bit of a gratitude post, but also to share some of the amazing developments in the team and business.

Let’s start with our junior team!

Becca and Anya.

Well where do we start?

These two superstars have achieved sooooo much in the last 6 months!

Growing in confidence every day but also absolutely blowing our minds with their attitudes to work, learning and development.

They are both shining stars and we are incredibly proud of both of them

Big dates are on the horizon for Becca!

With her End Point Assessment coming up, we expect Becca to be fully qualified by Easter!

Which is a huge milestone, especially given all of the hurdles which she has had to over come with training restrictions due to Covid 19 and regulatory impacts.

For anyone who has seen Becca blossom, you will understand what we mean, when we say we are filled with the deepest pride for her and absolutely cannot wait to see her career develop to the next level!

Anya has found her wings and she is flying!

After leaving school and starting her apprenticeship just a few month ago, we have been astonished by Anya’s natural abilities and commitment to new challenges.

Anya is really enjoying looking after blow dry services and salon members and we are excited to start to introduce colour services to her repertoire of skills over the next few weeks.

Do you know a young person who is considering a career in hairdressing when they leave school? We are looking for our next apprentice and have Saturday positions available with a view of starting a full time apprenticeship in September. For enquiries, please contact us here

Simones’ smile is lighting up the room!

For those who have had the honour of meeting Simone, since she started in August 2021, its commonly agreed that she is one of the friendliest and warmest people around.

Not only is she super friendly but she is a blumin’ amazing hairdresser, with years of experience under her belt, she is wowing her customers on a daily basis.

If you haven't had the honour of Simone and her incredible skills then why not try her out and book and cut and finish here.

Another Natalie.

Yep, we know it’s confusing, Natalie, Natasha and another Natalie….

well, we have welcomed another skilled hair professional into the gang… and you have guessed it…

she’s called Natalie!

Not to worry, we have come up with a salon nickname to ease confusion. So if you are trying to book an appointment with her, look for “Tilly”

“Tilly” may be recognisable to some of you, as she actually gained her qualifications with us as an apprentice many years back. It is lovey to welcome her back as a senior team member and see how she has developed further as a hair expert since her apprenticeship ended.

Tilly is super passionate and skilled with long hair services, especially Balayage and blondes.

Her work is precise, her knowledge is exceptional.

Please join us in welcoming Natalie “Tilly” to our team!

The OGs

Natalie and Kim are busy as usual and are incredible role models to our developing team members. Both Natalie and Kim are looking forward to a well deserved promotion in the coming weeks, after months of uncertainty and challenges, their consistency and dedication has been extremely welcomed and valuable to the company and customers.

Our Salon Co-Ordinator Victoria has had a slight shift in responsibilities, you might notice that she isn’t always “front of house”. Although this is still a huge part of her role, she has also been developing her skills in marketing and has been providing valuable support with the salon marketing. we are looking forward to developing her skills further in all areas of the operational side of the business.

Your Feedback

We have absolutely loved getting your feedback over the last few month. Nothing delights us more than seeing a happy team and happy customers!

After every appointment we always send a short survey to complete, so that we can have regular and real feedback to develop our services and products.

Please double check your contact details with us next time you visit, so we can make sure that you get the feedback opportunities too.

Plan B

With covid restrictions easing, it has had a noticeable effect to the salon experience, we are looking forward to getting back to “business as usual” and have some exciting plans for 2022. Watch this space x x x


Natalie and Natasha x x