Why is everyone sleeping in silk?

Whats with the silk trend?

You may have seen our recent blog about caring for blonde hair, one of our HEIRLooms being to use silk scrunchies and pillows,

well this has got us thinking, although its a great top tip, we really want to explain why and give you guys some light bulb moments!

What does cotton do to hair?

You may have seen lots of videos on social media about creating heatless waves or curls in the hair.

HEIR salon owner Natalie, joined the club and created a video herself recently.

Using a dressing gown tie, Natalie advised to place the centre of the dressing gown tie over the centre top of the head, and then twisting the hair around the two dressing gown; tie ends that fall loose over each side. A good night sleep and et Voila, heatless waves in the morning!


But how does this magic trick work?

Let us explain.

Cotton is highly absorbent. Over night, the dressing gown tie is actually absorbing moisture from the hair and in turn, helps the hair to form the rounded shape that it has been set in overnight!

So if a dressing gown tie is removing enough moisture to change the shape of hair, then WHAT is a cotton pillow case doing? 

A cotton pillow case could be causing you all sorts of issues.

Do you wake up in the morning with:

  • Knots

  • Damaged hair

  • Frizzy Hair

  • Dry hair

If you have answered yes to any of these then perhaps consider changing your pillow case.

Dry hair, if left untreated can lead to internal hair damage (weak hair), colour fade, and even breakage.

If you are currently waking up to dry, knotty or frizzy hair, this is a telltale sign your hair lacks moisture, at this stage replacing the lost moisture is definitely the best idea, you could use a leave in conditioner or detangle spray to help replace the lost moisture and to help with the frizz and tangles!

Switching to silk

The good news is all these problems are easily addressed by switching to a silk pillowcase and treating the hair for the lost moisture.

Silk allows the hair to slide around on your pillow effortlessly, causing less friction, so you wake to smoother hair.

This luxurious fabric also helps your hair retain its moisture, since it’s not as absorbent as cotton.

If you really love your cotton pillowcase and aren’t ready to make the switch, just wrap your hair in a silk scarf to keep it protected when you’re sleeping.

Quite simply, silk keeps the moisture right where it needs to be…. In your hair!

We have gone one step further and launched the HEIR Silk Curl Kit! This silk curling ribbon is the perfect tool for creating heatless, overnight curls! Whats more, the moisture will stay in your hair keeping optimum condition!

Have you tried switching to silk yet? let us know if you noticed any differences in the comments box.