Proud supporter of local artists!

At HEIR we are very proud to support local businesses and independent professionals.

We are always on the look out for a local collaborations to be able to put money back into the community and the people who call Lytham home.

Now, more than ever its so important to give our local economy a chance to thrive.

We are no stranger to the works of Kozo, Davina is a local, talented artist who is also featured on EAP (Emerging Artist Platform)

Her work is heavily influenced by her African heritage. Kozo means peace, comfort in Lozi (Zambian dialect). Davina’s art reflects this in its practice and in its message.

Davina creates work usually in a theme or series, exploring concepts and mediums. She often uses ink, pencil, watercolours, mixed media, but her preferred medium is acrylic.

If you have ever walked past the shop and noticed how lovely the window art looks; this is thanks to the creative skills of Davina who regularly hand paints the window graphics! There is a variety of Kozo Store artwork on display at on the salon walls for customers to enjoy and purchase if they wish.

Want to know more? Have a look at Kozostore on Etsy, or contact us here