A huge achievement!

Supporting local is incredibly important at HEIR and something which we aim to do in various initiatives.

So when the opportunity arose to support Live Like Ralph, we jumped at the chance and got our creative thinking caps on!

We wanted to help to raise money, whilst supporting local creatives, which is very important to Neil and Fiona Bayntun Roberts (Ralph Roberts portents and founders of the charity)

Live Like Ralph is an incredible charity which was set up in memory of 26-year-old graphic artist and keen skater Ralph Roberts, who died suddenly at his parents’ home in January 2021 from sarcoidosis, a rare throat condition which resulted in breathing complications.

The charity aims to support the skateboarding and creative communities with projects such as building new and improving existing skate parks as a lasting legacy to Ralph, who learned his skating skills at Park View 4U, Lytham.

The pop up art gallery was planned for Sunday, July 3 2022; featuring prints by Ralph and other young talented artists from the North West.

Live Like Ralph Founders and HEIR Salon owner Natasha Langthorne

In addition, old vinyl records including The Beatles, Bowie and Dylan were sold.

We had a tremendous turn out! It was incredible to open the doors to crowds of enthusiastic locals, with so many purchasing commissioned art work and vinyls.

Overall we made more than £2,300, all of which will go to provide skateboards, skate shoes and lessons to children in less privileged areas.

Live Like Ralph has also committed to a £3,000 contribution to install floodlights at the new Stanley Park skatepark in Blackpool to allow local skaters to enjoy the the park until later hours.

More details about the charity and how to donate at www.livelikeralph.com