Keeping you safe at HEIR

That time has come again.

Boris Johnson has announced that salons will re-open on 12th April and we can not wait to re-open our doors!

This is now the third time we have opened since a forced closure, so we have a little experience in this area…. and we have tried to use the time to make sure we are covid safe and all of the appointments run smoothly, efficiently and safely.

Here are a few of the things we have in place to ensure optimum safety;

The air conditioning uint has has an upgrade! Our air conditioning unit now has an anti viral filter, so once the air is pumped from outside it is passed through a special filter before its distributed through the salon, to keep the air fresh, clean and safe.

All of the interior and exterior salon door handles are made out of an anti viral material to ensure that if any virus does enter the building, it cant survive on these common touch points.

In line with current guidelines you will find all of the team wearing PPE at all times. it is also a requirement for customers to wear face coverings for their appointment too.

Track and trace is in place and the QR code is displayed at reception, ready for any visitors to the salon to scan.

The team are provided with regular lateral flow tests to ensure that you are only coming into contact with well team members. Team members who are unwell or who have a positive test even without symptoms will be asked to isolate.

Hand washing/sanitising and surface cleaning remains at high levels throughout the salon opening hours.

Reusable equipment such as scissors and combs will be sanitised in between appointments.

We will work on an appointment only system and appointments are limited at any one time to ensure social distancing is easily achieved.

We will not be doing 100% pre payment this time, instead you will be able to pay at the salon at the end of your service, but we do ask that you pay via card instead of cash.

As always, the safety of our customers is our priority and we will keep up to date and work to the latest government guidelines.

Want more info? drop us an email or give us a call

Cant wait to see you!

Natalie, Natasha and the Team at HEIR x x